Communication Skills for Security Practitioners Course (CSSP)
Nov 8, 2024
Mar 7, 2025
Sep 3, 2025
Dec 3, 2025
ARC Hotel, 140 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON
$1,000 + HST
COURSE SUMMARY This course is one of the elective courses available for Security Certification under the Infrastructure Resilience Research Group, IRRG, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Carleton University.
The Communication Skills for Security Practitioners Course (CSESP) provides participants with essential communication skills that can be used to address various audiences. Participants will learn that a competent communicator can develop relationships, motivate teams, and become an authentic leader. How you communicate with staff, clients and the boss will often determine your success and build credibility for the organization you represent.
Within the security community communication takes on another dimension as we fight an uphill battle to integrate security into the business lines of the department and engage employees. The security messaging must be framed to the culture of the organization with positivity and practicality. Security and intelligence personnel often have to persuade, influence, and convince others of the value added of a robust and resilient security program.
Telling the story is important. Clear, concise, and correct information is essential whether you are speaking or writing so getting to that sharp edge expeditiously can be essential. There is a delicate balance between “just enough” information and “too much” information. Rules of communications will be discussed, and participants will have an opportunity to engage and gain confidence that will assist them in building trust and avoiding awkward situations.
The essence of a good communicator is having the ability to actively listen, hear the message, relate to the knowledge being presented and communicate accordingly.
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
Understand the steps to becoming a good communicator
Explore effective questioning, paraphrasing, and summarizing techniques
Learn how to avoid inappropriate words and phrases and be aware of bias
Understand the difference between direct, indirect, and specific communication
Develop working relationships, build trust and credibility using effective communication